Saturday, November 20, 2010


by: Mastiphal (USBMS)


(M) HAIL OBSIDIAN! You have a very interesting sound. A combination of old school Darkthrone with newer Black Metal techniques. Do you find more inspiration from older "second wave" Black Metal bands? Or do you see yourself as part of the newest generation of experimental BM projects?

Jeez what a brutal question , I find inspiration from all sorts of music from with in many different genres . As far as finding inspiration from BM is concerned , I would have to say across the board . I mean its such a broad fucking spectrum really . You got new bands that sound like old bands and old bands that sound like new bands I mean WTF . I draw inspiration from Lord Melkor ripping ass for fucks sake from behind the drum throne for fucks sake .

(A)Lord Melkor...
Hail Mastiphal . Thank you for the compliments on our sound . For sure, Darkthrone (old and new) are a inspiration to us . Bands such as Burzum , Samael (old) , early Kreator , early Destruction , Tormentor , Masters Hammer , Immortal , Mayhem , Bathory , Celtic Frost , Hellhammer , Thorns , etc . are some influences . I also like atmospheric ambient music like Coil and Dead Can Dance . I don't really like to much newer black metal unless its bands like Craft or I Shalt Become . As far as seeing myself as a part of a new generation of experimental BM , sure , Id like to think we can still keep the black flame lit .

(M) How did the three of you find each other? Was the attraction to BM simultaneous or did each of you arrive at your current position at different times?

First of all we are not three . King Freyr is what is left of a failed experiment to integrate two new members into the band due to the fact that we had some demand to play live . In the beginning it was just us two and is still just us two although King Frayr does occasionally play bass in our rehearsal's but hasn't contributed anything to the writing process and we are always by ourselves when we write and record . As far as how Lord Melkor and I found , each other we both got a job at the same warehouse a few years back and I approached him and asked him if he was a musician . After numerous attempts to convince him I was a decent guitar player I finally got him over to my house to play and the rest as they say , is history ...

(A)Lord Melkor...
The attraction to BM was there for us each even before we met . When we met , Cerberus was the only guy I ever met in town with a Darkthrone Baphomet shirt . So therefor , I can only say that of course , we had to form a band together and play the music we want to play . And if you are into Astrology , our signs corresponded for a good working partnership . So I guess it just had to happen...

(M) Your guitar riffs are catchy as hell. Tracks like 'Season of the Wolf' and 'Stone God' really make Obsidian stand out from the plethora of other BM bands. How important is/should the technical process be in this sort of project?

(A)Cerberus...Why thank you for the compliment . As far as your question is concerned I guess the best way I can put it is I try to write riffs to serve the music not my ego . Whether or not that means the riff is technical depends on the song or the feeling I am trying to convey depending on the structure and the lyric of the song . If that makes any fucking sense...

(A)Lord Melkor...
I'm glad you like our riffs . " Season Of The Wolf " and " Stone God " are songs that we did in our early stages . We started out with a four - track instrumental tape demo in early ' 06 and later that year released " Season Of The Wolf " as a promo - demo with better recording and vocals . " Stone God " comes from our first album " Obsidian " released in ' 07 . But anyway , I usually come up with a structure and lyrics ( or sometimes Cerberus does ) . I tell Cerberus the kind of tempos and beats I'm looking for . We throw ideas and riffs around until we find something we like . Than we rehearse the song extensively until we know it inside and out . Then , later we go to record it . Cerberus and I almost end up always agreeing on the songs and there processes . Without sounding stupid , its almost telepathic how he ends up choosing riffs that I envisioned before we even finished the song . The riffs always match my drum patterns , weather they be simple or complex...

(M) I noticed that the members of Obsidian wear corpsepaint. What does this seemingly age old practice mean to the individual members of Obsidian? And does it still have the same meaning as it did back in the 80's as far as the scene is concerned?

For me its about getting into character and becoming the entity that is Cerberus full circle . This gives me the liberty and freedom of anonymity , to me Cerberus is my alter ego , Cerberus represents all the passions I am forced to subdue in order to live and work in a society that would otherwise condemn me...

(A)Lord Melkor...
Well,for me,the corpse paint adds to the mysticism and tradition of Black Metal.When I wear the corpse paint of hate and war,I feel as though my dark half manifests into the material world.Lord Melkor is the shadow of my psyche.
I think that corpse paint is also an image which adds an other worldly element to the concept of Obsidian and BM in general . Of course , some bands do not wear corpse paint but still project a grim and dark image in other ways , which is still fine . I mean , look at the eighties and early nineties , the old gods of BM all looked different , which was unique . I think corpse paint had more magic back in the old days , but I also think it is still good for BM today to have this image . It is a sacred tradition for me...

(M) What drives Obsidian to create Black Metal? Is it a hatred for humanity, religion, peace etc..or a combination of the already mentioned?

(A)Lord Melkor...
The creative force for me to create BM is imagination, anger, disgust at the modern world, an escape from this dreary existence, my hatred of humanity " I guess I'm a misanthrope " , mythology, fantasy literature, ancient history, paganism, and my annoyance with all the bullshit organized modern religion has caused . So I guess its a combination of the things you mentioned and more . There are so many posers , fakes , trendies , and followers out there in the metal scene , it makes me want to vomit ! if you like fag bands like HIM , Rap , or some fake Emo-Hot Topic Metal CRAP , STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM US !

Yeah! What he Fucking said!
Id like to consider myself an artist , and Ive always understood that good art represents the time and place it is being created in , and the feeling of the artist creating it , hence the reason I don't go around spray painting fucking rainbows on buildings . I carry around allot of angst, anger, frustration, disgust, hatred, as well as questions, concerns, philosophies, and opinions . BM is the perfect canvas to express the darker colors of the spectrum you Know the greys and the blacks . If it wasn't for BM I would slaughter all the sheep !


(M) Do you feel the future of USBM will ever expand beyond the "basement level"? Granted, bands like Absu and Wolves in the Throne Room have already made a huge impact on the underground BM scene- is there hope for a USBM revival?

Sure, Fuck, it has but its up to these so called kvlt BM artists to make sure they do not compromise there work, direction, beliefs, and most importantly there sound you compromise these things and you may as well become a unic . I mean who wouldn't like to work in some sweet studio somewhere, but I tell you what I will be the one pushing the fucking buttons, and doing the mixing . I'm not about to compromise Obsidian's sound for anybody especially some corporate douche bag . Yeah you can throw your Pro Tools at me and I will probably steel it and pawn it for another ax or some shit than probably record the album on my 8 track . I don't understand this ideology that just because you get a deal you have to suck the evil out of your music...

(A)Lord Melkor...
Well, the USBM movement has expanded beyond the 'basement' level already notice in some magazines that there are USBM bands getting ink.Some of the bands have enough members to play out live and some(like us) are conceptual projects with one or two people running everything.I think it's great that Absu and WITTR have made a mark for themselves in the underground.But underground is the key here for BM,it should stay underground. It is not for everyone,only the few.A USBM revival?I think USBM is still growing and we hope to march along with other bands into the war...

(M) How has your area received the sounds of Obsidian? Have you met any local opposition?

(A)Lord Melkor...
Obsidian has actually received many compliments and interest from people in the area. We don't know if this is good or bad. We feel that Obsidian is for those who want it or those who want to listen to it to understand it. Of course, we cant control who buys our albums. The local shops that do carry our stuff have been fairly supportive and helped promote us with ads and fliers. So we cant really complain. However, we are not going to be for sale at Wal-Mart (empire of deceit and corruption) or some trendy shopping mall. No one has opposed us because no one here understands what we represent so they blindly promote us...

We haven't received any opposition though it is always welcomed, (bring it on if you got the balls). The truth is no one has the balls to do what we are doing in our area at least that I know of. They may want to or aspire to but are afraid to get off the tit. We have heard many times from other musicians within our circle of friends (which is more of a square than a circle) about how they wish they could do what we are doing musically as far as freedom is concerned...

(M) The glory days of Black Metal (as far as church burnings, homicides, and tape trading) are long gone. Do you feel that the internet has perhaps in some small way taken any "bite" out of Black Metal?

(A)Lord Melkor...
The glory days of Black Metal for sure are long gone.But all the events of that time have been talked about to death,so I won't recap them here. As far as tape trading,filesharing is the new tape trading. No,I do not think the internet is taking anything away from black metal,if anything, it's making it better for bands to get noticed and then people can hear and decide if a band is worthy or not.

Fuck no,it's helped it in my opinion,I mean ,shit,we wouldn't be doing this interview if it weren't for the internet, I wouldn't have met some of the people I know without My Space.I think the internet is the new vehicle for the underground,the only downfall is you don't have to cram in a fucking van with four stinking band mates and drive three hours to get some minute exposure from an un wanting crowd,man,I'm hurt.

(M) Obsidian is a hard black glass that absorbs all light, rendering it completely opaque...Does this describe the traits of the band itself? In what ways?

(A)Lord Melkor...
Id say thats an accurate description. We have abstraction and opaqueness in our music for sure. we are definitely the darkness that absorbs the light. So , yes the traits of Obsidian can be described like this. Obsidian was also used as one of the first blades of primitive man...

Yeah, Id say thats a pretty damn good discription our sound and concept...

(M) Does your music reflect any specific philosophy or mythos? If so, can you explain how you incorporate these beliefs into your daily lives?

Im not sure if this will answer you question properly but I personally am into the occult and the occult sciences In fact I am a member of two major occult organizations, (occult is derived from a Greek word that means "hidden knowledge")which shall remane nameless. I like the works of Nietzsche, The Master Therion Aliester Crowley 666, Isreal Regardie, Ted Andrews, Mcgregor Mathers, etc. I use the knowledge I have gained from studying the occult sciences in all aspects of my life. So I guess to answer your question I would say my life corresponds with my music and my music corresponds with my life...

(A)Lord Melkor...
For me our music reflects the philosophy of individuality and rising above the herd and traveling your own path.The ideal of being the best at what you want to achieve spiritually and mentally. We do not create our music for losers with weak wills. As for the mythos question,we create our own mythos with our lyrics,persona's,and ideas.I incorporate my beliefs in my daily life with reaction to lame and depressing and often pathetic modern world. We are a gateway to ancient times and past lives...


(M) Finally, I appreciate you taking the time to complete this interview for the USBMS. Congratulations on your first full length, and best of luck to you in the future.
Do you have any parting words you'd like spoken to the gathered Black Masses set before you?

(A)Lord Melkor and Cerberus...
Yes,we have a new album entitled "Centuries Long Dead"coming out this[April 2008].Look out for it.Thanx for the interview and intelligent questions.Dark regards from Lord Melkor and Cerberus...


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